Prayer Times

10th December, 2024
8 Jumādā ath-Thāniya 1446
December 10, 2024
Prayer Begins
Fajr6:28 am
Sunrise9:08 am
Zuhr12:15 pm
Asr1:09 pm
Maghrib3:18 pm
Isha5:50 pm
December 10, 2024
Begins6:28 am9:08 am12:15 pm1:09 pm3:18 pm5:50 pm
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Islamic Society of Finland

The Islamic Society in Finland was established in 1986 and was registered at the beginning of 1987 as the second official Islamic religious society in Finland. The registration was made with the approval of the Ministry of Education based on the Finnish Freedom of Religion Act of 1923.

Every Muslim man or woman residing in Finland can join the society, regardless of their original language. Membership continues even if the resident changes his place of residence unless he resigns. In 2020, the Society is considered the second-largest Islamic society in Finland, which includes Muslims of all ethnic and linguistic backgrounds, in addition to Muslims of Finnish origins. The majority of the society’s members hold Finnish citizenship. The society is a founding member of the Finnish Islamic Council.

The Islamic Society in Finland was established in 1986 and was registered at the beginning of 1987 as the second official Islamic religious society in Finland. The registration was made with the approval of the Ministry of Education based on the Finnish Freedom of Religion Act of 1923…

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Years of service

Rabita Madrasah (School)

The Islamic Rabita Madrasah (School) was established to provide educational services to Muslims residing in Finland, catering to various groups and ages. The school aims to teach the Holy Quran, the Arabic language, and the principles of Islam according to a moderate, balanced approach that strengthens the sense of belonging to Islam and promotes a culture of love and peace through raising awareness of the noble Islamic principles.

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Miten lasketaan al-fitrin almu, paaston korvaus ja rikotun valan korvaus?

Alfitrin almu lasketaan perustuen maan muslimien perus ruoka-aineeseen ( leipä=vehnä, riisi, mallas, taateli, rusina tms). esim Suomessa lasketaan riisin mukaan (1 Sa’ = 3640g painona, jotkut arvioivat paino olevan jopa 5kg), toisissa maissa lasketaan vehnän korkean laadun mukaan (1/2 Saa’ = 1820g, jotkut arvioivat painoa olevan jopa 2,5 kg), Riisin keskiverto hinnan mukaan on laskettu […]

Ramadan Kareem

Suomen Islamilainen Yhdyskunta (Rabita) onnittelee Suomen muslimiyhteisöä siunatun ramadan-kuukauden johdosta.

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